trainees and employees participate in the Earthquake and
Tsunami Drill conducted on 05 November 2018. |
NMP holds
earthquake and tsunami drill
National Maritime Polytechnic
December 6, 2018
a bid to elevate public awareness on how to respond in the wake of
any emergency situations caused by natural calamities, such as
earthquake and tsunami, the National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP) in
partnership with the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Office (CDRRMO) of Tacloban City conducted an earthquake and tsunami
drill participated by NMP trainees and employees on 05 November 2018
at the NMP Complex, Tacloban City.
The activity was held
pursuant to the directive from the National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Council (NDRRMC) relative to the conduct of CY 2018
4th Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) and
Observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day on 05 November 2018.
The drill started at
around 10:00 AM with a one-minute siren which was meant to inform
everyone inside the NMP premises that an earthquake has just
occurred. All NMP trainees, employees, and guests do the “Duck,
Cover and Hold On”.
In an interval of ten
seconds, another one-minute siren was heard, a signal for everyone
within the vicinity to evacuate the building and proceed to the
designated mustering stations wherein a marshall will do the head
count. One “scenario casualty” was reported needing immediate
medical attention. Using the NMP emergency vehicle, the search and
rescue team was dispatched and was able to bring the casualty to a
safe area where a cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was executed
by the assigned First Aide, an NMP trainee.
After the casualty was
revived, the third siren was alarmed for one minute in anticipation
for an aftershock, Tsunami. Everyone was advised to proceed to the
second floor of the NMP Administration Building having a higher
elevation compared to other buildings in the area.
The exercise was
terminated after the communication was established to the different
responders identified by the team.
"This will help us prepare
ourselves when a tsunami or an earthquake hits Tacloban City," Mr.
Eduardo V. Polo, Training Officer of Tacloban City CDRMMO said.
"It is our responsibility
to ensure that everyone are aware and knowledgeable of the things
that should be done in cases of emergencies," he added.