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More enemy camps fall into the hands of government troops

By CMO Batallion, 8ID PA
December 8, 2010

CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan Samar  –  Another enemy camp fell into the hands of the government when the troops of the Army’s 14th Infantry Battalion discovered an abandoned camp in Barangay Cagmanaba, Jipapad Eastern Samar around 7:30 pm., December 6.

Based on the report from Lieutenant Colonel Hermilo Demafiles, commanding officer of 14 IB, while his troops was conducting security operations in the said area an undisclosed resident tipped off about an enemy camp quite distant in the area.

When troops proceeded to the said area, an abandoned enemy encampment was found which can accommodate around 30 rebels.

Recovered from said camp were different war materiel that includes Improvised Explosive Device (IEDs) such as four (4) improvised anti-personnel landmines, one (1) pair of combat boots with markings “Soriano”, one (1) bag pack, assorted toiletries and kitchenware, assorted medicines and personal belongings.

Colonel Alex Albano, commander of 801st Brigade said that they will continue scouring the area for the possibilities that there are other war materiel that were left behind by the rebels. The said IEDs endangered the lives of the civilians in the nearly areas. Likewise he extends his thanks to the people of Barangay Cagmanaba for their relentless support of providing information to the troops.

Meanwhile, Major General Mario Chan, commander of the 8th Infantry Division, lauded his troops for a job well done and for exerting every effort and dedicating their lives in the accomplishment of the said task. He further said that the reason why more abandoned camps are being recovered is because enemy is continuously evading the troops who are conducting intensified combat operation.

At present, 8ID had already accounted for a total of 47 camps that was already seized/discovered since the month of September.