E-Jeepneys: A possible
paradigm shift to help alleviate plight of jeepney drivers in the
country – TUCP
Press Release
29, 2012
Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) yesterday welcomed the
introduction of e-jeepneys and its monthly salarization scheme to its
drivers as a possible introduction of a paradigm shift to alleviate
the plight of thousands of Filipino drivers and reduce emission of
fossil-fuel pollution.
“The introduction of
regular monthly salary to e-jeepney drivers could probably change the
daily calculus of our drivers in terms of income and working
environment. Nowadays, with the boundary system, they are earning a
measly 300 to 400 pesos take home pay after a day’s 10-hour rigorous
work. Yet, if they are paid with e-jeepneys’ regular salary, well,
this can spell an improvement in their way of life,” said Democrito
Mendoza, TUCP President.
Mendoza also
emphasized that with the current e-jeepney concept as introduced,
drivers will not just enjoy the security of a dignified waged earner
but they will also contribute in minimizing the pollution in their
working environment.
“With the e-jeepney,
drivers’ exposure and their contribution to the pollution on the
streets where they work is dramatically lessened. If pollution in
their working environment is minimized, they tend to be more
productive,” Mendoza added.
Mendoza made the
reaction in view of the granting of Land Transportation Franchising
and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) franchise the other day to 21 e-jeepneys
to ply some select routes in Makati City beginning tomorrow March 1.