“Dinky Soliman
rides on UN aid to cover up government's criminal negligence” – People

February 14, 2014
Victims of last year's Typhoon Yolanda today assailed Department of
Social Welfare and Development Sec. Corazon “Dinky” Soliman for
bragging over a US$6-million dollar aid from the United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) and including it in the Aquino government's
dole-out scheme.
“The problem with the DSWD
is that it is claiming credit where it is not due,” said Sr. Edita
Eslopor, a Benedictine nun and Chairperson of People Surge, an
alliance of Yolanda survivors demanding justice. “With or without the
Aquino government, and perhaps even better without the government,
UNICEF would still have rendered humanitarian assistance. Dinky
Soliman is merely riding on the UN aid to cover up the government's
criminal negligence. What's more, such aid may not reach the victims;
the government's conditional cash transfer scheme has for years been
plagued with allegations of corruption.”
Sister Eslopor expressed
outrage that the DSWD should be relying on the goodness of others for
doing the government's responsibility, especially what it should have
done immediately after the typhoon hit last Nov. 8.
“We thank the UNICEF for the
humanitarian assistance. But the Aquino government should have
rendered emergency cash assistance and other kinds of relief three
months ago, not today. That is sheer criminal negligence. Does Dinky
Soliman realize how many of the so-called most vulnerable – including
pregnant women and malnourished children – have suffered for the past
months, and may have died, because the government balked at releasing
funds for the people while it was at the same time embroiled in the
pork barrel scandal? For the past three months, the DSWD has not been
carrying out any significant social amelioration program but has
merely acted as the facilitator for foreign and local donors.
“Does Dinky Soliman realize
how little the US$100 or P4,370 really is, even if good for six
months, when a family of five in Eastern Visayas needs at least P610
every day to live decently, and that was in 2008?”
The People Surge
spokesperson asserted that the Aquino government must render all
possible emergency assistance, while planning for long-term solutions
for the people's losses and grinding poverty. “The conditional cash
transfer scheme or 4Ps to which Dinky Soliman and the DSWD are so
devoted is nothing but a dole-out program. The people cannot survive
for long on mendicancy.
The Yolanda survivors in
People Surge have been petitioning for P40,000 immediate cash aid to
all families affected by the typhoon in Eastern Visayas. Moreover,
People Surge presents the long-term and very basic solutions to the
survivors' plight: food, livelihood, housing and social services. If
the Aquino government cannot give even these very basic demands, it
will surely face the people's wrath.”