Improved living
conditions for inmates affected by Leyte prison fire
December 2, 2015
MANILA – Access to
clean water, sanitation and overall health and living conditions have
improved for 1,800 inmates affected by the fire that struck Leyte
Regional Prison two months ago.
On October 8, the prison’s
Maximum Security Compound was completely destroyed by a fire that also
claimed the lives of 10 inmates and injured several others.
“Since it would take some
time before a permanent structure could be rebuilt, we supported the
prison authorities in taking temporary measures so the inmates may
have slightly better conditions,” said Woody Assaf, head of the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) office in Tacloban.
On October 25, the ICRC
installed two rub halls or relocatable tent-like structures as
emergency shelters. The affected prisoners were initially moved to the
Minimum Security Compound or slept outdoors after the blaze.
“We continue to improve the
rub halls by working on its concrete flooring. Elderly prisoners and
those with ailments were prioritized to occupy the rub halls, which
also helped decongest the Minimum Security Compound, where about 750
affected prisoners remain. The authorities could partly restore the
segregation between compounds, which helps in prison management,” said
Two 10,000-liter water
tanks, distribution lines, and water points were installed by the ICRC
to increase the availability of potable water in the prison,
benefiting all inmates. Twenty-four new toilets are also being built
for their use.
Relief assistance for the
prisoners, in the form of dressing kits, medicines and medical items,
2,000 hygiene kits, and 409 sleeping mats and blankets, were provided
by the ICRC about a month ago, on top of other emergency items it
distributed with the Philippine Red Cross a day after the fire.
Support was provided to ensure that access to basic health services
was maintained.
Within its confidential
dialogue with the Bureau of Corrections, the ICRC shared its findings,
coordinated its response plan, and will further support the
authorities in January to develop a plan of action to restore optimum
conditions of detention.
As part of its long-term
support to the detaining authorities, the ICRC will soon complete the
construction of a new infirmary in Leyte Regional Prison to enhance
access to, and improve the quality of, medical care for the inmates.