DPWH Information
Officers’ role strengthened

February 3, 2015
raise the standard of public service, nurture and nourish the culture
of professionalism, integrity and competence, DPWH-Region VIII through
the Regional Data Management Office headed by Ms. Antonieta R. Lim,
Public Information Office II conducted the Echo Conference for PIO
designates on Communication and Advocacy Planning Workshop.
Resource speakers came from
the Stakeholder Relations Service – Mr. Randy del Rosario, Information
Officer IV and Mr. Andro V. Santiago, Community Affairs Officer IV
together with Mr. Jerry Esplanada of Philippine Daily Inquirer.
The Regional Office saw an
urgent need to renew and revitalize the information and public
relations arms, in the regional and district level, modernize its
information and communication systems and equipment and more
importantly update and hone the knowledge and skills of the PIOs on
the latest information and communication methods, techniques and
Communication Management as
discussed by Mr. Randy del Rosario, OIC-Chief Public Information
Division presented the evolvement of PIOs role from simply
transmitting information in an objective and neutral fashion to its
intended audience to helping define objectives and philosophies while
helping the organization adapt to the demands of its constituents and
Another additional role PIOs
have to undertake is manning the Citizens’ Feedback Management Center
(CFMC) through the establishment of Public Assistance/Complaints Desk
pursuant to RA 9485 (Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007) which was extensively
shown to the group for information and reports for reference.
The PDI correspondent, Mr.
Jerry Esplanada offered exercises and workshop on newswriting and
writing tips.
The 2-day advocacy planning
workshop enhanced the communication skills and knowledge of the Public
Information Officers in carrying out their tasks of communicating the
department’s programs, projects and achievements to the public.