In the aftermath of the Mamasapano tragedy
Coalition for
All-out Peace and Social Justice launched

February 12, 2015
MANILA – A coalition
composed of religious, human rights advocates, lawyers, progressive
organizations and Moslem professionals have bonded together to form
PEACE Camp or Campaign for Peace with Social Justice amidst the
on-going probes on the Mamasapano tragedy in Congress.
At their press conference
which also served as their public launching, PEACE Camp lead convenors
announced their “unwavering commitment to push for All-out peace with
social justice in Mindanao, to stop the US-led “war on terror” in the
Philippines, and campaign for the Right to Self-Determination of the
Bangsamoro Nation”.
They called the US
involvement in the operations to get Marwan a “white elephant” in both
the Senate and House hearings. They also claimed that, “consciously
being omitted in the raging fervour for justice is the culpability of
the US Government who engineered Oplan Exodus and not a few failed
operations before it”.
PEACE Camp claimed that the
Mamasapano tragedy is “a testament to the reality that far from acting
as a sovereign State, the Philippines under the auspices of President
Benigno Aquino III continues to willfully and willingly enforce the
wishes of the United States Government”.
The group blamed Aquino for
allowing “our sovereignty to play second fiddle to that of the US,
when it acquiesced to Oplan Exodus at the expense of scuttling the
unfolding peace process and risking the lives not only of the Fallen
44 but scores of civilians”.
“We demand for the immediate
rejection of the continued US military presence in Mindanao and
elsewhere in the country in utter disregard of our sovereignty as a
nation, their statement said.
“We underscore the need for
a lasting peace in Mindanao based on justice. We call for justice for
the centuries-old oppression and exclusion of the Bangsamoro from
meaningful participation and self-determination of their destiny.
Peace cannot reign in situations of injustice. Justice restores the
dignity of the Bangsamoro as a free, equal and peace-loving people of
Philippine society”.
“We demand for the immediate
rejection of the continued US military presence in Mindanao and
elsewhere in the country in utter disregard of our sovereignty as a
nation. We demand that the Philippine government side with the
Filipino people by rejecting the US-led War on Terror”.
PEACE Camp Convenors
include: Fr. Robert P. Reyes of Gomburza, Atty. Aaron Pedrosa of
Sanlakas, Atty. Arpee Santiago of the Ateneo Human Rights Center,
Misty Amistad of the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP),
Atty. Banjo Lucman of the Muslim Lawyers Foundation (MUSLAF), Mike
Gary of Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino, the Friends of the
Bangsamoro Network, Atty. Tecson Lim, Atty. Abdel Jamal Disangcopan
and Miss Manila 2014 Ms. KC Halili.