two (2) storey-four (4) classroom school bldg., Trinidad NHS
Tomaligues Annex School, Calbayog City, Samar. |
SFDEO released FY
2015 BEFF status report
June 1, 2016
weeks before School Year 2016-2017 starts, Department of Public Works
and Highways - Samar First District Engineering Office (DPWH-SFDEO),
released the status report of the infra projects under FY 2015 Basic
Educational Facilities Fund (BEFF).
Based on the report dated
May 15, 2016, 28 out of the 105 school building projects were
completed. This includes 19 school buildings in Calbayog Division and
9 school buildings in Samar Division. 57 SBPs are still on-going
averaging to 67.05% physical accomplishment. 43 out of these on-going
projects are in Samar Division and 14 are in Calbayog Division.
Due to the projects location
which could bring forth unforeseen damage to the equipment and
construction personnel, triple handling of materials and the
difficulty of transporting the same to the site, 14 SBPs were returned
to the Department of Education comprising 8 SBPs in Samar Division and
6 SBPs in Calbayog Division.
In Samar Division, 5 SBPs
were awaiting for the approval of the modification of materials.
Should the request be denied, these projects will then be returned to
Samar Division due to hitches in the handling of materials and
difficulty of transporting the same to the site.
With the full swing
implementation of the K+12 Curriculum, DE Virgilio Eduarte, ADE Alvin
Ignacio together with the concerned section chiefs will continue
monitoring these SBPs to ensure prompt accomplishment of these
projects in answer to classroom shortage.