governor Sharee Ann Tan-Delos Santos while delivering her
message during the Opening Ceremony of Candidate Soldier Classes
- 419 & 420 - 2016 at 8ID Jungle Base, Brgy. Fatima, Hinabangan,
Samar on June 1, 2016. |
246 new Candidate
Soldiers of 8ID took allegiance to Philippine Flag
June 2, 2016
CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan,
Samar – Two Hundred Forty-Six (246) Candidate Soldiers took an
impressive oath taking during the opening ceremony of PACSC Classes
419 & 420 - 2016 at the Jungle Base of 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers)
Division, Brgy Fatima, Hinabangan Samar on June 1, 2016.
The candidates, after
passing through competitive Physical, Neurological, Psychological
examinations, will undergo training which will prepare them for future
role of performing duties in the Philippine Army.
The ceremony was graced by
Hon. Sharee Ann Tan-Delos Santos, Governor of Samar, as the Guest of
Honor and Speaker with Maj. Gen. Jet B Velarmino AFP, Commander, 8ID,
as the military host. Col. Cesar M Idio, Assistant Division Commander,
8ID, Division Staffs and parents of the new breed of soldiers were
also present at the said occasion.
Gov. Sharee Ann Tan-Delos
Santos mentioned in her speech, “The challenge is just about to begin
for these chosen few and valiant men we have with us today. I am also
honored to be with the parents, relatives and friends of these
Candidate Soldiers for with their support, they have entrusted the
lives of their sons to be trained by the Stormtroopers and transform
them into men, equipped with necessary skills in making them capable
of defending and serving the people of Eastern Visayas”.
Further she expressed her
gratitude to Maj. Gen. Jet B Velarmino for the unwavering commitment
in pursuit to peace and development in the province of Samar.
Maj. Gen. Jet B Velarmino
AFP, in his message to the trainees, “A career in the military is
unique, challenging and physically demanding.” He subsequently thanked
Gov. Tan-Delos Santos for being an active partner to the 8ID’s
initiatives and highly regarded as part of the team 8ID.
“Your Philippine Army at all
times adheres on its mandate as a human rights advocate, peace
builders and partner in nation building in the Region-8,” Maj. Gen.
Velarmino added.