Fil-Vets continue
mission for Balangiga Bells

October 12, 2015
veterans gathered on a brisk afternoon around newly appointed
Commander of their flagship Filipino-American Post 509 of the American
Legion, with John Holmes, a former combat vet and member of US Army
Special Forces. It has been over two decades that a non-Filipino has
been elected to this top position.
During such a time the
After-Action Summary on their recent Memorial program of the Balangiga
Bells was presented and discussed. They had felt closeness to these
bells in a similar way, because they too felt forgotten and neglected
due to father time. They were all reminded that if they keep the story
of the fallen during the battle of Balangiga and the bells alive we
are hopeful that their stories of conflict will also be shared as part
of global studies.
They have served in honor of
their country the Philippines not once, but twice. They had
volunteered for a selfless purpose greater than their own in 1942 and
now once again for a century old cause hoping to negotiate the release
of at least one of the three church bells and the historic old cannon
removed from the town square of Balangiga in E. Samar.
Prior to adjournment
Commander Holmes recommended the group returns next month for a day of
silence and then to join the Veterans Day remembrance this November,
with other area veteran organizations and memorials to reflect on the
fallen from all eras, and all battles. We will continue our mission to
partner with all VSO’s and groups for a positive win-win solution for
the church bells return.