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NMP sets course for 2023; Aligns commitments with DMW

Press Release
February 14, 2023

TACLOBAN CITY – The National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP), the only maritime training and research center in the country, has aligned its course for 2023 with the programs and organizational outcome of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) during its recently concluded Hybrid Agency Planning Exercise on 07 February 2023.

As NMP embarks on a new chapter, as it fully transitions to the DMW, its sectoral and organizational outcomes for FY 2023 are set to change in line with the shift in its client focus. Its Sectoral Outcome, as drawn from the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 will focus on the Improvement of Quality of Life of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their Families. By closely aligning its goals with DMW, NMP will be strategically positioned to make a significant impact in the achievement of the department's Organizational Outcome, that is: Empowerment and Protection of Overseas Filipino Workers Ensured.

As a subsumed agency of the DMW, NMP is specifically responsible for the implementation and successful realization of the Maritime Research and Skills Competency Program, one (1) of the four (4) programs of the department.

Under the said program, NMP has three (3) Outcome Indicators that need to be attained this year: (1) 82% employment for seafarer-trainees a year after completion of their training; (2) 100% of seafarer-trainees having jobs related to the skills they acquired through training at NMP; and (3) 100% of research papers used as input for policy formulation and program development.

Additionally, NMP also has three (3) key Output Indicators as stated in the 2023 General Appropriations Act: (1) 10,000 trainees/participants who successfully completed the course; (2) 100% trainees issued with certification within 72 hours of successful completion of all course requirements; and (3) 2 completed research projects.

2023 is indeed a challenging year for NMP. While some targets represent a significant increase compared to the previous years, others bring NMP back to its pre-pandemic commitments. The achievement of these targets will undoubtedly require dedicated efforts, innovative approaches, and a steadfast commitment to excellence from all NMP personnel.

Accordingly, NMP’s four (4) organizational units have outlined specific action plans and strategies that are aligned with the overall commitments of the Agency. The four (4) units will be working closely together and with stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of these plans and the achievement of the desired outcomes. Regular monitoring and evaluation of their performance will also be conducted to ensure that the Agency stays on track and remains accountable to its commitments.

As NMP sets its sights on its targets for the year, NMP OIC Executive Director, Mayla N. Macadawan emphasized the importance of keeping in mind that the Agency is currently in a period of transition.

“DMW is still in the process of becoming fully operational and this may pose challenges in meeting our targets for the year. To overcome these potential hurdles, it is vital to have a clear and defined roadmap. To guide our efforts and ensure success, we should align our plans with the comprehensive Strategic Plan 2023-2028, which outlines a six-year strategy for the NMP,” she disclosed. “While we receive instructions to continue as usual, it is uncertain what directives will be given from higher authorities in the future. There may be instructions that may not be aligned with our current commitments, however, they may have recognized the need to address them,” she added.

She also encouraged all employees to adopt a positive mindset and embrace the changes that come with the transition, by doing so, NMP ensures to continuously provide quality services to its clients.

Further, she emphasized the crucial importance of each employee's contribution in realizing NMP's mandates and objectives. She noted that each individual's performance has a far-reaching impact on the success of the organization and stressed the need for a collaborative effort towards reaching common goals, so as to take NMP to even greater heights.

“Let us all work together to rekindle the excitement and passion that brought us to government service. Let us rediscover the joy of serving and find fulfillment in our work. By doing so, we can not only achieve greater productivity as government servants, but also find satisfaction and meaning in our careers,” she mentioned.