Calbayog City
Coastal Road: An update

December 23, 2022
Continuous construction of the Calbayog City coastal road is being
done since it started in 2018. This multi-year project will connect
Barangay Rawis to Barangay San Policarpo through Barangay Aguit-itan
allowing vehicles to by-pass Calbayog City Proper.
Calbayog City is now one
of the fast-expanding city and with it comes the heavy traffic which
is prevalent in the streets of the city proper. This coastal road
will serve as a detour to manage traffic congestion. Also, tourist
attractions are being developed since the city is blessed with
several natural attractions such as clean and wide beaches,
unexplored caves, waterfalls and hot spring which will eventually
add to the growing number of vehicles plying in and out of the city.
Since 2018 to 2020, much
has been accomplished on the coastal road in terms of embankment and
gravel road as well as concreting including its slope protection. A
total of 3.074 lane kilometers is embanked and 9,335.86 square
meters of slope protection is built in Barangay Rawis. Also, 3.073
lane kilometers is embanked and 9,333.31 square meters of slope
protection is constructed in Barangay Aguit-itan. Moreover, 3.286
lane kilometers and 9,952.70 square meters of its slope protection
is also built in Barangay San Policarpo. Likewise, part of the
embanked portion are now concreted in Barangay Rawis and Aguit-itan
for a total length of 3.08 lane kilometers.
However, the construction
of two bridges that is part of the 2019 (package A) and 2020
(package 2A) projects just recently started which will link to a
special bridge that will eventually connect to Barangay Aguit-itan.
In 2021, a total of 2.2366
lane kilometers of embankment are constructed along Barangay San
Policarpo consisting of three packages (package 5A, package 4A and
package 3A). Also, the scope includes 2,236.6-meter of slope
By 2022, two of the three
(3) packages are already completed. One of those is the concreting
of road from Brgy. San Policarpo to Brgy. Matobato (Package A). The
four-lane Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) spans 1.423 lane
kilometers with a width of 24.9 meters including the bike and
pedestrian lanes. Apart from it, roadway lightings of 168 single arm
and 28 double arm LED lights are installed including median island.
An extension of package A
(Package 6A) is also completed which consists of Portland Cement
Concrete Pavement (PCCP) with a length of 549.30 linear kilometers
(including the pedestrian lane) and an additional embankment of
262.3 linear kilometers as well as 262.3-meter slope protection is
also built. A median island is also part of the scope of work
including 99 LED lights that are installed in the middle part of the
road as well as on the side. Construction of the bridge which is the
third package for the year is suspended.