NMP successfully
conducts essential safety training in Guiuan, Eastern Samar

National Maritime
March 14, 2024
National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP) has successfully concluded the
two-day Basic Safety Training for Motorboat Handlers/Operators and
Fishermen (BSTMHOF), incorporating Typhoon Preparedness, in Guiuan,
Eastern Samar on 11-12 March 2024. The program witnessed the
participation of ninety-seven (97) local motorboat
handlers/operators and fishermen, who are now better equipped with
safety skills essential for their daily livelihood and activities.
The training covered key
areas including Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and
Firefighting, Elementary First Aid, Personal Safety and Social
Responsibility, Rules of the Road, Typhoon Awareness, and Marine
Safety Requirements. This comprehensive curriculum aims not only to
enhance the safety and efficiency of maritime operations but also to
ensure the preservation of life at sea, especially during adverse
weather conditions.
Participants expressed
their deep gratitude for the opportunity to acquire such knowledge
and skills, acknowledging the significance of the training in
bolstering their ability to safely navigate and operate in open
seas. The skills learned are deemed indispensable, not only
contributing to the reduction of maritime incidents and loss of
lives but also to the overall resilience of the community against
natural calamities.
Aside from the said
training, NMP also conducted the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug
Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS), STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention in
the Maritime Sector (SHAPIMS), and Gender Sensitivity Training for
Seafarers (GSTS). These additional programs aimed to address
psychosocial issues, promote health and inclusivity within the
maritime industry by addressing the broader spectrum of challenges
beyond mere physical safety.
This was the first batch
of graduates produced by NMP on BSTMHOF this year. Coordination with
the Maritime Industry Authority Regional Office 8 (MARINA RO8) and
with other local government units (LGUs) in the region is currently
being made for possible collaboration, thereby expanding the reach
of beneficiaries for this program.
The successful
implementation of this activity serves as a powerful testament to
the impact of collaborative efforts, demonstrating a united
commitment to safeguarding the lives of those who brave the seas for
their livelihood, and contributing to the welfare and betterment of
the local communities.