Eastern Visayas
posts 92.4% employment rate in October 2021 (preliminary)
February 21, 2022
Eastern Visayas registered a Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)
of 60.1 percent in October 2021. This placed the region’s labor
force at 1.92 million persons who were either employed or unemployed
out of the estimated 3.20 million population 15 years old and over
in October 2021. The latest labor force was lower by 22 thousand
persons compared with the 1.94 million persons reported in July 2021
at 60.7 percent LFPR. However, this was higher by 151 thousand
persons compared with the 56.2 percent LFPR estimated on the same
period in 2020. In 2021, LFPR was lowest in January at 59.8 percent
and highest in April at 62.3 percent.
![Eastern Visayas employment rate](../../news_clips47/ev-employment-oct2021.gif)
The region’s Employment
Rate in October 2021 was estimated at 92.4 percent, which was
equivalent to 1.77 million employed persons out of the 1.92 million
persons in the labor force. This was lower by 1.5 percentage points
than the 93.9 percent employment rate in July 2021. This was also
lower by 2.3 percentage points compared with the 94.7 percent
employment rate in October 2020. In 2021, the lowest employment rate
of 92.4 percent occurred in January and October, while the highest
employment rate was recorded in April at 95.0 percent.
Unemployment rate in
Eastern Visayas stood at 7.6 percent in October 2021 or about 146
thousand unemployed persons out of the total labor force of the
region. This figure was 1.5 percentage points higher than the 6.1
percent unemployment rate recorded in July 2021. This was also
higher by 2.3 percentage points compared with the 5.3 percent
unemployment rate in the same period in 2020. In 2021, the highest
unemployment rate of 7.6 percent occurred in January and October,
while the lowest was noted in April at 5.0 percent.
Employed persons who
express the desire to have additional hours of work in their present
job or to have additional job, or to have a new job with longer
working hours are considered underemployed. The number of
underemployed persons in Eastern Visayas was recorded at 316
thousand. In terms of proportion, this was 17.8 percent of the total
number of employed persons in October 2021. The latest
underemployment rate was lower than the 27.6 percent and 21.2
percent underemployment rate recorded in July 2021 and October 2020,
respectively. In 2021, underemployment rate was lowest in April at
15.5 percent, and highest in July at 27.6 percent.