8ID renders
military honors to 3 newly promoted brigade commanders

January 23, 2023
CAMP LUKBAN, Catbalogan
City – Three newly promoted Brigade Commanders of this Command
were accorded military honors upon their arrival at Headquarters 8th
Infantry Division earlier today, January 23, 2023.
Arrival Honors was
accorded to Brigadier General Lenart R. Lelina, 801st Brigade
Commander, Brigadier General Noel A. Vestuir, 802nd Brigade
Commander, and Brigadier General Perfecto P. Peñaredondo, 803rd
Brigade Commander and subsequently rendered courtesy call to Major
General Camilo Z. Ligayo, Commander, 8ID.
The three Brigade
Commanders are members of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
“Sambisig” Class of 1991.
They were part of the 13
Generals donned with the new rank by the Commanding General
Philippine Army, Lieutenant General Romeo S. Brawner Jr. on January
20, 2023, at the Headquarters Philippine Army, Fort Bonifacio, Metro
As Brigade Commanders,
they are instrumental in transforming the insurgency landscape of
Eastern Visayas for the better as it has always been regarded as a
communist “hotbed” and has been denied socio-economic growth despite
its huge potential due to insurgency.
Through their leadership,
front guerilla units of the Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee
(EVRPC) have gradually been degraded as a terrorist organization
with the neutralization of some of their key leaders, lost grounds
due to the surrender of their regular fighters and the withdrawal of
support from their so-called “mass base” thereby paving the way for
the development of conflict-affected communities in the region.
“I want to congratulate
you on your well-deserved promotions. Keep up the good work,” stated
Maj. Gen. Ligayo.
“A promotion entails new
responsibilities on your shoulders and comes with additional
responsibilities that call for greater sacrifice and dedication to
duties,” Maj. Gen. Ligayo concluded.