Clemency is closing a
bitter chapter
A press statement of the
Ecumenical Bishops’ Forum (EBF) on Mary Jane Veloso clemency
December 10, 2024
After close to fifteen
years of imprisonment, the Ecumenical Bishops’ Forum joins other
groups in urging the Philippine Government to grant full clemency to
the detained mother of two boys – Mary Jane F. Veloso. This, after
the Indonesian Government agreed to the repatriation of Veloso to
the Philippines. Meanwhile, those responsible for Veloso’s arrest
after she was arrested as a “drug mule” at an Indonesian airport
were also arrested and jailed.
Mary Jane F. Veloso has
long become the living symbol of what Filipino overseas workers
undergo while seeking a job elsewhere and after they land a job.
They endure a myriad of suffering at the hands of merciless persons
who take liberties of their gullibility while seeking overseas
We rejoice at the
magnanimity of the Indonesian Government and the diplomatic efforts
of the Philippine Government. We hope that the Philippine Government
will complete the joy of the family by extending full clemency to a
person vexed so wrongly and for a long time. The season of Advent
calls for such. She has endured a lot. Lessons from her have been
drawn. We congratulate the Indonesian and Filipino lawyers including
the National Union of People's Lawyers who provided legal assistance
to her as well as the migrant advocacy groups and other supporters
of Mary Jane around the world.
“He who sows sparingly
will also reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will also reap
generously.” (2 Cor 9:6)
Issued and signed on this
day 10 December 2024.
BISHOP Ciriaco Q.
Francisco, (Ret.) UMC
Co-chairperson, EBF
THE RT. REVD. Emelyn
Gasco-Dacuycuy, IFI
Co-chairperson, EBF
THE RT. REVD. Dindo de la
Cruz Ranojo, IFI
General Secretary, EBF
BISHOP Joel E. Tendero,
Treasurer, EBF
BISHOP Emeritus Deogracias
S. Iniguez, Jr., DD.
Auditor, EBF