1 NPA rebel killed, 1
captured in Basey clash

802nd Infantry Brigade, 8ID PA
May 31, 2024
Ormoc City – One communist-terrorist New People's Army (NPA)
rebel was killed, while another was captured following an encounter
with government forces in the hinterlands of Basey, Samar on May 30,
Responding to the report
of the civilian populace of an armed group conducting extortions in
Sitio Bagti, Brgy Mabini, Basey, Samar, troops of the 63rd Infantry
(Innovator) Battalion (63IB) under the operational control of 802nd
Infantry (Peerless) Brigade, 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division,
Philippine Army clashed with more or less ten (10) terrorist NPAs of
Bugsok Platoon, Sub-regional Committee- SESAME (SRC-SESAME) of the
Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee (EVRPC).
Local Army Commander
Lieutenant Colonel Eduardo Meclat said that the firefight ensued for
about forty minutes forcing the terrorists to withdraw in different
directions and leaving behind the dead body of their comrade, Domeng
Pajares alias Bager.
Meclat added that the
troops, while conducting a clearing and follow-on operation at the
clash site, also captured a wounded NPA member, who his comrades
abandoned. Melchor Fabula, the wounded NPA, was immediately given
proper medical attention and care by the troops.
“We will prioritize the
medical needs of the wounded NPA. The troops are giving him first
aid medical treatment, and we will send him to the nearest hospital
for proper medical attention,” Meclat, Battalion Commander of 63IB,
Recovered from the site
were one M-16 Armalite rifle, two grenade launchers, three
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)-banned anti-personnel mines,
and numerous war materiel left behind by the fleeing rebels.
Meanwhile, the remains of
Pajares will be turned over to his family once the proper procedure
of processing the dead body is finished. “Although we do not take
pleasure in the death of Domeng Pajares, still we will extend the
necessary assistance to the bereaved family for his proper and
decent burial,” Meclat added.
“This incident so saddens
us, but, we cannot compromise the security of the peace-loving
constituents in our area of responsibility,” Meclat ended.
Brigadier General Noel A.
Vestuir, Commander, 802nd Infantry Brigade commended the troops of
63IB for their quick response to the reports of the civilians of the
extortion activities of the terrorists while also extending his
condolences to the family left behind by the dead NPA.
“Once again, our troops
have displayed their dedication and professionalism to their sworn
duty of protecting the people from this group and at the same time
their compassion towards a fallen NPA combatant. I lauded the
community as well for standing up against the terroristic activities
of this group,” Vestuir said.
“I reiterate my call to
the remaining NPAs in Samar and Leyte Islands to peacefully abandon
the armed struggle. The communities no longer support and welcome
you. Do not wait to experience the same fate as what happened to
your comrade today. The path of peace is ready to embrace you
together with your families and loved ones,” Vestuir ended.